Hello, my name is Jonathan Torre. I am a 14 year old who has just finished rreading your book “The Autopmatic Millionaire,” and found it so inspiring that i decided to move my $3,000 from a .25% interest savings account to a money market account. I recently emailed Morgan Stanley asking about opening one. I figure the money might eventually become a small “rainy day” fund. My parents seem to have all of your methods about paying yourself first down. My mom takes out 10% of her monthly paycheck because that is all her company allows. My dad takes 15% out into his 401(k) plan. They are trying to finish off their mortgage early by paying $200-$300 extra every month. They also have, believe it or not, ZERO credit dard debt. I’m even trying to encourage them to buy another house and rent it out. They are about 10-15 years away from retirement and they dont have a “Rainy Day” fund. While I cannot automate money directly into the money market account due to me not having a real job, i put aside money monthly i get from mowing lawns, tutoring, etc. When i turn 16 I will look into getting a real job to try to automate this process. Now, I believe I am on my way to keep my parents and I on the track to becoming an automatic millionaire!