Today I attended the Womens Financial Conference in Portland Oregon, with my daughter (after much begging on my part,) to see you in particular. My daughter worked until 4:00 am as a cocktail waitress and then jumped in my car at 7:00am to head to the seminar.
She was sullen, tired and extremely surly. We sat through the speakers, all who were wonderful in my opinion, but she did not perk up until you started to speak! She is the girl you spoke of, living paycheck to paycheck, tip to tip and she recognized herself immediatly! The “Latte Factor” story rang true for her and she immediately embraced the idea! She was so astounded by what you proved, that she not only vowed to make immediate changes, but she bought Automatic Millionaire for her best friend, another less than reliable bill payer.
I want to thank you for putting this simple strategy in such terms that she finally “got it!” I’m looking forward to watching her improve her fiscal responsibility!
I own all of your books and will continue to follow you advise and hopefully so will my daughter. I only wish that I had the opportunity to hear these strategies when I was 20.
Thank You So Much,