Hi David,
Since the young age of 11 (wish I’d had your book then)I have been working and saving, something I have always enjoyed doing. Making my share of mistakes young, I have owned an in home daycare since age 19, only now being 23 I know so much after reading all of your books AT LEAST 3 TIMES EACH.
I always knew that when I got married that I was to budget off of the secure income only and I am now a 5 month newlywed with my 9 year highschool sweetheart and we are very grateful to have your advice starting out this young. I have always monitored our credit monthly and We bought our first home 2 months after marrying, and we pay 12% extra a month, as also hoping to go to a weekly automated payment resulting in the extra payment a year too! I am working on my personal debts which will be paid for in Jan 2007. Which I will then be putting at least $500 aside for an emergency fund, which will then be seperated into catergories such as emergency fund, childrens fund, etc.. My husband and I make a combined income of around $60,000. We are maxing out his matched retirement account at work and also put another 5% into the companys Profit Sharing account. I plan to open a Roth IRA for myself in January and then we plan to buy our first rental this June in 2007.
So getting started was tough and we have a long way to go, but so worth it to know what our SECURED future will be like and the thought of being able to pay for our children to go to college someday when we have them. I have given your books to everyone I know and make certain my 2 sisters and even my parents and in-laws know what they need to be doing to end up like I will. In which case my in-laws are now also paying 10% over on the 8 remaining years of their 15 year mortgage.
So we wanted to thank you for making our future the most important thing next to family, so that we can relax and enjoy our family when we have one someday.
Wishing the best for You and Your Family,