Dear David,
When i picked up your book several years ago I was a twenty something making pretty decent money and wasting virtually all of it. Mired in credit card debt, the thought of a retirement account and savings was laughable. After reading your book, my life completely changed. I always thought it was so cliche when people would say stuff like that but believe me, its true for me. Thanks to your expert advice through the Smart Women Finish Rich book, I have made a complete turn around. I went after a job making more money to start with. Then I made the goal list and posted it where I could see it every day. I made eliminating credit card debt a personal motto and wrote the last check for them today. I bought a Roth IRA last week and have set goals for my savings account. The biggest thing i want to thank you for is control. I am not very good with numbers and all of those things just frightened me before–it was simply ignorance. Once I started researching what I needed to know, it was so simple. I can not thank you enough for the change you made in my life. My goal is to retire with a million and with some good planning, and my financial advisor said it’s totally within my reach. By the way, I only make 40,000 a year so if you share this with others remind them that it’s not how much you make. You can create real wealth on very few dollars a day and I am living proof. I don’t always do everything right and i still spend a little crazy sometimes but the point is I took control and in the end, I will be winning.
Thanks again,