I just finished reading your book, Start Over Finish Rich and enjoyed it greatly. Over 10 years ago I used your plan and continue to use your plan with some tweaks and it is working very well. We each get a monthly allowance to spend as we choose instead of calculating the Latte Factor. We always have both packed coolers for lunch & snacks at work as we both grew up in families that did not eat out often. We use a clipboard hanging on the wall to post our income and expenses with the balance so we have a visual. Savings, vacation savings & investments have been automated and are posted on the clipboard. I do a fun game with dollars. I put a dollar in 4 jars everyday for savings, investing, donating and fun. Then periodically take it out & use it for those categories. We are slowly investing in rentals which pay for themselves and the money from them goes back into that business. Our plan is to be able to live off the rentals by retirement at age 60. Anyway that’s how our spending plan is working. I like a slow controlled growth. kg