Dear David,
“The Automatic Millionaire” caught my eye in a bookstore last July, while I was shopping with my family. I read a few chapters while they browsed and everything just made so much sense. I went home and put it on hold at the library, but in the end was unable to wait and purchased it.
I’m kind of an all or nothing person, so at first I was obsessed with trying to implement every idea at once. I actually overextended us with all my savings vehicles, and was a bit depressed that we were totally broke all the time. I’ve finally stepped back a bit and tried to be more balanced.
When I look at the results, I am proud. Since July, I have started an emergency fund that has $1800.00 and gets automatic deposits of $50.00 a week. I have increased my 401k contribution from 4% to 15%, and my husband’s from 5% to 15%. I have set up almost every bill on automatic payment, and pay extra towards my home equity loan.
I am really proud of the fact that I talked 3 of my coworkers into signing up for the 401k. They had been giving away free money for years, but never got around to signing up.
I really admire people who become successful without sacrificing their values. You have helped countless people David, and I wanted to write and say thank you.