Dear David,
I didn’t want to read your book. I thought it was just ANOTHER book about how to save myself, from myself. Blah blah blah. In fact, it sat on my nightstand for about a year. Because I didn’t pick it up and read it when my sister first gave it to me, I stayed poor for one more year. That’s one year I accumulated nothing. One more year that I wasn’t a millionaire!
Although I have gone to college (I have a bachelors) and am rich in education, I was poor financially. I was a 29 year paramedic, still living at home, with credit card debit, and not a dime in savings. I was drowning, and I couldn\’t see the shore. I thought I was doomed to live with my parents forever.
I started reading Automatic Millionaire in my spare time at work, between calls. A few pages in, the lightbulb went off, and I was already thinking about how to start the process. That day in my ambulance, I made a list of all the things I was going to change about my financial life. The next day, I rolled over my 401k from my previous job (that I neglected to do for two and a half years), to my current job, and started with a contribution of 10%. I changed my Roth IRA (that I had not touched or even looked at in about 8 years) to receive automatic contributions from my checking account. I also changed my payroll deposit to automatically split between my checking and savings so I would not be tempted to over spend, and would have a emergency fund.
Today I can see the light (and its not an oncoming train). My credit card debit is shrinking fast, my Roth IRA is finally seeing some action, my 401k is growing like a weed on the side of a freeway, and my emergency fund will have m safely covered if something were to ever happen to my job. Because of your book I have a KNOW I can attitude. I am currently in the process of looking for a house, and leaving my parents to live their own lives.
I also bought 3 copies of your book to give to my closest friends and family since my copy is just that, mine. Its dog-eared, highlighted, and has notes scribbled in the margins. Its no longer just my book, but my reference guide that I keep going back to. Being a paramedic doesn’t make me much money. That’s not why I do it, but I will retire a RICH paramedic. That I’m sure of.
Thank you,
Kristan K