Hello my name is Latrice and I am currently 22 years old. All my life my immediate and extended family has had financial problems. I wasn’t taught proper money management. When I was 19 I had my first part-time job and I worked with a man who told me to invest. He pumped me with advice all the time. I really didn’t think I was listening but two years later I realized I had been.
I was working at a new job for a year then and received my 401k package. I was surprisingly excited, I had been thinking about my future alot over the last couple of months and didn’t know where to start. I went my bank and saw a financial advisor and he gave me excellent advice. I maxed out my 401k at 18% and four months later I started a Roth IRA. I was feeling more confident and aware of my future. I still get negative remarks from my mom, she disagrees with how I chose to utilize my money. But that doesn’t stop me.
But there was still one issue bothering me. I had no money saved up in my checking account and failed a savings account two times previously. I do not know how to save up for emergencies, if I have money I have to spend it. That’s when I picked up Smart Women Finish Rich and I am slowly trying to not live pay check to pay check. His words are inspirational and I will succeed.