Dear David,
A girlfriend of mine put me on to Smart Couples Finish Rich and Smart Women Finish Rich. I have just finished for the second time “Smart Women Finish Rich” for Canadians. Wow! What an eye opener.
I work in the financial industry and it’s scary how much people don’t know about some of the simplest financial pitfalls. It’s amazing how much I was doing wrong! You’ve shown me this simple path and I can quickly see my savings growing and my debt getting smaller by the minute. I have been telling people about this amazing book and how easy it is to read and that they should be teaching their children the basics of this now (before they reach the point in their lives of NEEDING something like this). My kids are quickly learning how their savings are growing and they like seeing their savings increasing!
You’ve given me a real feeling of freedom and self worth because I let alot of things go every month because I just thought I’d take care of them later. It feels so good to have the money to take care of them now! And they’re done with!
Thank you so much…and keep the Canadian versions of all your books coming! They are a welcome change in my life!