Hi there, Just a quick story — I’m usually on the skeptical side of the spectrum so I approached The Automatic Millionaire with an air of caution and hesitation. I considered myself to be fairly knowledgeable on matters financial and thought that spending too much time and energy focusing on these topics would make me materialistic and steer me away from the passions that I spent four years at Stanford cultivating. I found by the end of the few hours I spent perusing the book that instead, by automating my life’s financial strack, I would have the time and peace of mind to focus on my life passions. I read the book last year. In that time, I have bought two houses in one of the country’s most expensive housing markets, the San Francisco Bay Area Peninsula, and rented one out, grew my IRA significantly, consolidated all credit and debts and found an innovative and ‘automatic’ way to fund my upcoming wedding. Thank you for ensuring that I don’t compromise my life’s dreams for fear of financial unresolve and for giving me the chance to become well-established monetarily as a side effect!