Dear David,
It was interesting to really figure out exactly how much I spend. I own my own business and since the business pays for some things, I didn’t know exactly how much I spend personally- though I use Quickbooks to track it all. I made a spread sheet and was amazed at how much I spend.
I’ve found ways to cut: my life insurance premiums, my auto insurance premiums and my phone bill. I’m meeting with my new accountant tomorrow to talk about the best retirement vehicle for me and my business – I have an age weighted cross tested pension and profit plan, but with the departure of a few younger employees, it may not work well for me.
I’ve been automatically withdrawing quite a bit for investment/savings/ retirement since January and have been a pretty good saver anyway. My only debt is my mortgage and I made the first $1000/month extra payment today. So, I’m on my way! Your program is helping me get completely organized and systematic financially! Thanks!