David, Just picked up your book while browsing at the bookstore and enjoyed it! I made the commitment to get out of debt by the time I turn 45…which gives me 3 years. Reading your book made me feel good that I am on the right track; however you also provided additional tips that I am now trying out to make my goals occur sooner. I plan on keeping this book for my son to read when he is older (He’s only 7.) I will do whatever I can to make sure that he does not get overwhelmed with debt as I did. My parents were unable to be the best role models for me at times and I find myself now providing them with about $200 a month to help them. I know this is money that I could be using to pay down my debt, but they are my parents. I am just doing what I can (and busting my butt to do it!) so that my son will never have to feel what I have gove through the last 15 years. I want to be a better role model for him…insisting that I am paying in cash and I explain to him why. Thank you for keeping me on track! I am excited to read your additiional books.