Thank You! Thank You! Thank You! I am what i like to call a motivated procrastonator. In my head and on paper I think and write about doing the “right things” with my life and money, but some how dont get around to it. Your book has changed that. I downloaded an Audio version of your book Automatic Millionaire 2 days ago and with my commute I am almost finished. Wow. As you mentioned in the beginning, there were a lot of things I already knew, i just didnt know how to start.
I am not an Automatic Millionaire yet, and I am just about finished with your book, but i will tell you that i am already a success in my eyes. I am currently a 26 (going on 27) year old with not one penny in any investments, not even a 401(k). My parents always told me that credit card debt was bad, but until a few years ago watching a financial advisor on TV, i didnt even know what a FICO Score was. From that moment i was hooked on educating myself financially and i have hooked my friend as well as giving my 19 year old sister the tools that were not given to me. My fiance and I once had FICO scores of low to mid 600’s and now he is at 750 + and im a little over 700. To sum it up, because of your book I made my FIRST EVER investment today. It wasnt much and its not automatic yet, but i just wanted to test the waters and see how easy it was. I invested $25 in an I Bond and $25 in an EE Bond and in May I am enrolling in my 401 (k). My fiance and I have a savings account and I realized our money just isnt working for us. I am now proud to say that my money will start working for me and I will start working a few hours a day for myself all because of your book.
You have turned this “Motivated Procrastonator” into a motivated Financial Investor.
So again, thank you for opening my eyes and helping me secure my future.