Dear David:
I have just finished reading your book, Start Late, Finish Rich, and that was an Awakening!!!
My husband has been in the Armed Forces for 18 years and never took advantage of the TSP(Thrift Savings Plan), like a 401(K), but for federal government jobs! We have more than $35,000.00 of debts and a mortgage payment that is fortunately paid for by our renters. We make a good living, but have no real assets.
Today, I took the first step to finishing rich: I went to open a TSP account, contributing 15% of his basic pay(I am not working). I also made up a plan to pay off all our debts, including our mortgage, in a little over 6 years, just by paying $300.00 extra a month to one bill, and paying minimum to all the others!!! When everything is paid off(in ONLY 6 years!!!) we’ll have an extra $2,124.00 a month to invest!!!
I am also contemplating buying a second house, since after reading about your Latte Factor, we found we have much more money than we think we had!!!
Your are a true inspiration David. People say that money does not bring happiness, but I think it truly helps!!!
Thank you from the bottom of my heart.