Thanks is all I can say, (and not enough). My story: I am proudly serving in our USN active duty. I was approaching 30 and 6 yrs into my career with no retirement path, living paycheck to paycheck. I read “Automatic Millionaire”, and 5 years later I had accumulated a house which doubled in value, making me 90K, and approximately 50K in cash and retirement investment vehicles. I did all of this by simply putting the ideals of your book into practice. I made everything automatic, virtually never see a bill. I pay extra on my house principal (2 extra payments a year), and will own it outright in about 6 more years, a total of 12 versus the 30 on a standard mortgage. At 43, I will have between a quarter-million to 300K, a pension, and will own my house with no mortgage. I will be financially comfortable with all the time in the world to enjoy life, and research other buisiness and investment opportunities. I plan on attending your seminar in LA March 10-11 coming soon. Look forward to meeting you, and thanks again!