Limiting our White Chocolate mocha’s to once a week gives us a Latte factor of $8.00 a day. Limiting our “eating out” times, Starbucks, reducing our home phone charges gives us a Double Latte factor of $246 a month…at least. We are thinking about eliminating our home phone entirely, as we all have cell phones. I am checking into the feasibility of that this week. Thanks for the information in the Automatic Millionaire! I read “Start Late, Finish Rich” a few months ago, and sent the Automatic Millionaire and accompanying workbook to my 24 yr old son. I am also passing along my new-found lessons to my college and high school daughters. I want them to have this knowledge and practice as young people, so they can start young, rather than finding out late like my husband and I did. Too bad I didn’t hear about these important ideas long ago! But…it is never too late, right? 🙂