I have such a story to tell you. I married my wonderful husband December 17, 2003. He is the father of 3 beautiful children. I myself have a daughter. Put us all together and you have the Brady Bunch. I am only 27 and he is 31. Neither of us received child support and we both knew it was up to us to raise the children to be fine outstanding adults. Money has always been an issue with us. Then today, while listening to you on WEZL 103.5 in Charleston SC, I couldn’t believe how much it seemed like me you were talking about. After the radio show was over, I went straight to the book store and purchased your book The Automatic Millionaire.
The funny part is I was telling my two 11 year old daughters about the book, and they both said, duh! Mom… We already do the Latte Factor. We want to go to Disney World this summer, so the ice cream money you give us each day we have been putting in a box to save up the money for our tickets. I asked how much they have saved and they told me they have saved $224!!! ICE CREAM MONEY!!! Can you believe it?! And I kept my log today of all that I spent and all I can say is, I waste way too much money. I know I can do this and we are making this an activity for the whole family!!! Thank you and God Bless you!