David, I am reading your book, “Start Late, Finish Rich”, I’ve also read “Smart Women Finish Rich” I have gotten an awful lot out of both books. But, I just completed the Double Latte Factor Experience and though I know I spend a lot of “extravagant” things, I did not realize that with just lunch, cell phone, cable/internet, land line and dinner I am spending close to $10,000 a year and that isn’t even adding in any the 10% annual interest I could be earning if I were saving this money. That has totally taken my breath away. I may not be able to cut out all of these things, but, I have already lowered the monthly cell plan and got a pretty good land line phone plan. And, I am brown bagging lunch more that one time a week and dinner, well, I can cook dinner at home for myself, I love to cook anyway. I am a single 40 year old woman. I am living on my own and I make pretty good money in California. I have always been a spend thrift, but since reading Smart Women and now this book, I am becoming a little more money wise. My boy friend is living on the East Coast and I told him that one reason I don’t want to get married is that my finances are a mess. Thanks so much for your words of encouragement in your books, that even if I never marry, I will be able to take care of myself and the baby I am planning to adopt and not rely on any man. I was speaking with a good female friend (30 y/o) today and we agree that as women we need to invest in real estate (soon) and we need to really think of saving for retirement. This book, all your books seem to be great motivators. Thanks and keep up the encouraging work!!
Mary Speight
Lancaster, CA