My name is Mary, I received two tickets to your seminar. At first I thought just another one of those people out to get you.
I thought I will give David Bach the benefit of the doubt and I will purchase a book and read it first. I purchased the book “START LATE, FINISH RICH” and before the end of the first chapter I was signing up for the seminar. I also purchased “THE AUTOMATIC MILLIONAIRE” and “SMART COUPLES FINISH RICH”. I have also been all over FINISHRICH.COM website.
I have been writing notes and marking pages. I have been working on putting everything that David says in perspective. What David has to say is so right and easy to understand.
I had read Suze Orman’s books and I would get so lost. I believe that God has put David here on this earth and David is fulfilling his mission and God will reward him. I have never been so motivated to make my money work for me.
These have been the best books I have read and I can’t wait to go to the Seminar. I barely had a smile about how the finances were looking over the here the now and the future. I can’t tell you how much better I am feeling. Would you please write a book on what to do with our money when we retire.
I have also taken all my savings from my bank and transfered it to ING’s Money Market and also set up Automatic Transfers with them. I increased my 401K and was even inspired to call my representative and change my 401K around. I even arranged the file cabinet folders following David’s method and they have never looked so grand as they do now.
I can’t wait to share this information with my sister since she is younger then I.
I am very interested in signing up for the meetings held here in my home town and very ecstatic that there is a group here.
I am so motivated that now I am talking with my husband and trying to motivate him so intead of it being me that it will be us. As soon as it becomes more the us factor I will send another letter with a picture. I will let you know how all of our accomplishments have been paying off.
Go David Bach,