Dear David,
Like most success story entries, mine of course starts with reading your book, “Smart Couples Finish Rich”. It was recommended to me by a co-worker over a year ago…I’ll try to be brief with how it has changed the lives of my family.
First and foremost, the constant advice throughout the book regarding taking full advantage of your companies 401(k)program has been the most glaring change. My wife and I were doing what most couples probably do…put in about 4% to 6% and think you’re doing okay. In reality, it is “okay”, but we went from putting in about $300 of our income per month to over $730 in less than a year. Each of our accounts are averaging over an 11.5% yearly rate of return!
At this rate (ages 33 & 31), we are on pace to retire as millionaires!
The other notable from your book is the fact that you encourage the reader to write the goals, values, etc. down on a piece of paper. By doing this, I jotted down one particular goal that I knew my wife would look at me as if I was out of my mind (and she did by the way). The goal was to buy a nicer, newer (bigger) home for my family.
I did finally convince her that it was the right thing to do for our family, but we couldn’t find any homes in our small town (15,000 pop.), so we took the necessary steps to buy a lot and are now planning on building a new home next March (2008). This never would have been possible if I didn’t buy your book and read it and take action…at your request of course.
I now find myself constantly giving you and your book credit for opening up our eyes to what is attainable. It might be driving others crazy, but what can I say…I’m awfully proud at where we stand financially now and in the future.