As a newcomer to Canada, I was facing the challenge to learn, not only the language and the culture, but everything that has to do with taxes and retirement plans. My head was spinning with terms such as RRSP, RESP, GIC, CPP, and CESG, not to mention trust funds, stock market, S&P\TSX index, etc. I was going nuts. I felt helpless since I did not have anyone to talk about this matter.
Even though I was a successful business woman in my country -Venezuela- I had no clue on how to invest my money or how to secure myself for retirement. One day I was reading the newspaper and I came across an article about you. At the end of it, they mentioned your “Finish Rich” site. I ran upstairs and logged into your site. I was greatly surprised when I saw the title of your “Smart Women Finish Rich” book. Its not so often you see a male author writing a financial book for women. So, the first thing the next day I went to the book store and got your book.
I started to read it and I could not let the book down. I was hooked. I used to take it to the gym and read it while I was on the elliptical training machine. It was so simple to understand. You explained everything in detail without making me feel stupid. I knew that I wasn’t alone.
I soon discovered that I was ahead in many ways: I did not have credit card debt or any kind of debt; I had some money in GICs and some money in a savings account for rainy days. Your book gave me the tips that I needed to know to start creating wealth on my own. I felt more confident -financially speaking- than ever before.
I had just hired a financial planner that I chose through one of the links you suggested on your book. I am now planning for retirement and building my dream basket. I had set automatic deposits that will allow me to save over $13,000 this year. Plus I’ve been saving an extra 10% of my net salary. I feel great every time I see my savings pumping up knowing that every day I am closer to my number one goal: buying my first condominium.
I cannot thank you enough. You were the light at the end of the tunnel. The only thing I can do is recommend your book to anyone that wants to get simple, straight forward knowledge in financial planning. Just the other day when I was at the book store, two ladies were trying to find a book to help them understand financial matters. I looked at them and told them that if they wanted an easy to understand book, they should get “Smart Women Finish Rich”. I told them how much I enjoyed it and how helpful it was for me. They picked it up, looked at it, put down the other three books they had picked before, thanked me and left. I felt great. I knew I was helping someone to achieve their dreams, as I was achieving mine.
Thank you once again, sincerely yours,