Hi David, I received your book “The Automatic Millionaire” from my banking institution. My 31 year old son borrowed the book then made me an offer – give him my book and he would give me a gift, which turned out to be – “Start Late Finish Rich.”
He swears by your methods and during one of our usual healthy debates, we talked about the perception of wealth. The real success story is two prong:
1. I got rid of my high interest credit cards and have made strides to secure my financial future.
2.I am a teacher and after preparing a lecture on identity formation/values clarification, I realized that the activity which required learners to rank order a prepared list of perceptions of poverty could use a contrast. It then hit me…why not ask learners to list what they think about wealth.
Lo and behold, almost all of the [mis]perceptions of wealth that you state in your book were mentioned – inheritance, marriage, lottery etc.
I seized the moment [giving you credit of course] to help my students understand that none of the above yields wealth – “ya gotta pay yourself first, and invest wisely!!”