Mr. Bach- I am SO very excited and enthusiastic about my new journey to financial freedom. Thanks SO much to you and for Oprah for having you on her show.
I have several pieces of advice for saving money if I may share.
I didn’t think I had a “Latte Factor” but it just dawned on me that I did. I was making excuses and justifying as to why it was OK for me to continue to use my credit card for wants vs. needs based purchases. I am done with excuses. The fact is DAVID helped me realize I NEEDED to STOP! I cannot afford to keep that behavior up any longer. Thanks to you again for opening my eyes to the TRUTH about DEBT and TAKING ACTION!
2nd- Commuting to work is a HUGE cash savings for me. If this is a viable option for any of you I highly recommend it. Portland is known for it’s great transportation system. Look into it and see what you could save on the HIGH prices of gas. Plus, think about car pooling and mapping out errands so they are in the same area of town. Conserve energy and the environment!
David Bach mentions eBay as a way to earn extra money also recycling cans & bottles can give you extra change to save.
David’s website is a big resource of information as well! Awesome job.
I am extremely motivated to take this journey. I am just getting started. It is going to take TONS of discipline. Almost like a diet but it should be a life style change! A different way of thinking.
Good luck to us all. And HUUGE thanks to this smart man David Bach. Hip Hip hurray!