First I would like to say Thank You. My husband gave me this CD as a gift for Mother’s day and well at first…I really wasn’t sure, but I have enjoyed it. I wish that I had heard it when I was younger…but as you say it is not to late. After we both listened to the CD’s, my husband and I sat down and started in. We both changed our 401K’s (why not it is free money) and moved it to the max. Next (I am happy to say that I have rainy day account) we looked at what we earning on our saving and started to think…why do I have my rainy fund in a account that is only giving me 1%. Well it is not rocket science to see we can do better, so we started shopping around and found that our own Credit Union is paying 5.12% on 6 months CD and 5.38% on 12 months…well it didn’t take us long to see that we needed to move it. And yes we did check to make sure that if we needed to get to that money we could with little risk. We both feel good knowing that some of the things you talk about on the tape we are doing.
Thank You,