June 19, 2006 I entered into a contract for my FIRST home. I have never been so psyched and excited and thrilled as I am right now. What a feeling, I wish I would have been this smart 40 years ago.
My sister (my coach) started me last year by making me apply for credit. I raised my scores to 688 from about 630 in February 2006 when I was approved for a mortgage. I owe nothing but I also have nothing. I do have a superior pension from Unisys for my retirement. Debt: Three cards are active for a total debt of $1,600. (not like on Oprah hey?) I was in Barnes and Noble yesterday and read your Automatic Millionaire Homeowner in a couple hours. (latte factor-don’t buy books.) But I went back to purchase the book. You are worth it.
I have been renting since I was 18 and never considered a home, I thought it was too constraining. So sad, because now I want to buy a few properties because it isn’t as frightening as people think.