OK, I didn\’t really think it was possible. A bit like going on a diet, you try and try to get a handle on your finances, but you always slip back into old habits. Well, it must have been more than 4 years ago that I stumbled across the Automatic Millionaire, and it hasn\’t been easy, but today, November 11, 2008, I AM DEBT FREE! I could not have done it without David. I bought an audio copy of Start Late, Finish Rich, and every time I got discouraged, I tossed in a CD and listened to it again, and again. I\’ve made a lot of changes over the past few years (though I didn\’t give up my Latte – I gave up dry cleaning instead), increased my savings, looked more seriously at my investments, but the most startling change has been using David\’s advice to get out of debt. I\’ve been carrying the same old debt for almost 30 years (that\’s not an exaggeration) and I can\’t tell you how incredible it feels to finally be rid of it. Now all of that money that was going to paying interest of \”things gone bye,\” it will go into savings. Thank you David! Oh, and David, when are you writing that book about losing weight?