Hi David, I wanted to share with you how much I enjoyed your Start Late, Finish Rich book. My wife and I have recently gone through bankruptcy and are in most aspects of life, starting over. We have a very nice home that survived the bankruptcy with about $30K in equity but not much else. No savings and no plan, until I read your book. I have now started participation in the company 401K and am contributing 20% to it and have plans to start a IRA for my wife next week. I have also set up direct purchase stock plans for my 3 grandchildren so they, not only have a good start in life, but also so I can help to educate them on the importance of a financial future. This is something that I was never taught and frankly, never worried about until now. We have plans to sell our home next spring and take the profit from it to buy a foreclosure property, live in it for at least two years to fix and upgrade it and resell it for the profits. This is something that my wife and I are very good at and can make some quick profits on.
Thank you so much for writing and caring about others enough to share your thoughts and beliefs.