“It Is What It Is”
For years, I have been on the credit card rollercoaster… balances paid off in full followed by balances recharged up. Same story as many, just a different name and face. However, it is odd, because in all other areas of financial management I have been committed and successful. Two houses, no mortgage. Mountain lot, no mortgage. Decent amounts in 401K… etc. However, the credit cards would not let go! Or better yet, I would not let go of the cards!
I have read your books The Automatic Millionaire as well as The Finish Rich Workbook. All ideas, concepts and actions have been very useful.
Well, tonight, I have committed to eliminating credit card debt once and for all. I just picked up the phone, got the balances on the four cards, and have followed your examples to develop my plan.
My fear was to actually actually call, get the balance on each card and add up the total. Well tonight, I realized “it is what it is” plain and simple.
Once again your books and advise have made a difference!