I have been truly inspired by the testimonies I have been reading this morning and finally found the courage to write myself. I started out with Smart Women Finish Rich, and I must admit I had only planned to buy the one book and ended up with 3 of your books along with the workbook. The reading was so easy. I left the mall and was home reading the book by 9;15 p.m. I finished reading the book by late afternoon Monday. I could hardly put your book down. I had an ING account but had depleted my funds, but just this year I started putting $ 50.00 per pay period in along with $ 25.00 in an account for my daughter. I am happy to say that I now have $ 400.00 and I plan to increase that amount really soon but at least I did start. I also started a deferred comp at work. I do have a 401K and I have been doing quite well as far as my investments.