One day I saw David on a show discussing the latte factor and that started it all. I began to think about what that REALLY meant.
At the time I was in sales and my pay was “readjusted” every few months. What that meant was the compensation portion (20%) was going down in what seemed to be every quarter, so I had to rethink my life style. That is why the latte factor clicked for me.
I began to evaluate every bill and every expense. I made some immediate changes in our expenses and put that extra money toward paying off the mortgage. We had no credit card debt at all, we pay in full what we charge so that was not an issue.
I knew one day that my physical limitations would force me to retire. (I’m 49 years old and have had five hip replacements).
So a number of years after starting this concept, the house is paid for and I am retired (and loving it) and we are able to make it on my husband’s pay.
But it didn’t end there. With all the free time I began to re-evaluate the expenses. I purchased disposable phones for my husband and I. I also called the phone company and asked about their current promotions that they offer and reduced our monthly bill while making improvements to our dsl speed. I made the calls necessary to change some perscription meds to generic brands and lowered our co-pay. With just these few steps I was able to find a yearly savings of $1250. We put that extra money in a home improvement savings account.
So thanks again.
Sally R. Bain-Picard