I just read Smart Women Finish Rich. I read it as I was travelling to Toronto to visit my sister and brother-in-law. My brother-in-law is currently in the Coronary ICU of a major Toronto Hospital, awaiting a heart transplant.
I already had a good handle on many of the concepts in your book, but the timing of when I read it prompted me to call my lawyer when I got home and set up an appointment to get a will done. I also called my insurance broker to talk about disability and critical illness insurance. I always thought these were things that I could do “later”. I realize that it’s time to do them NOW.
I’ve also revised my filing system, adapting it to the Smart Women Finish Rich System. It’s brilliant!
One quick correction to your Canadian edition. On page 63 of the paperback version, you recommend that readers check out www.hrdc-drhc.gc.ca to get information about CPP contributions. That website is no longer functional. The new website is: http://www.sdc.gc.ca/en/isp/cpp/soc/proceed.shtml
Thanks for a remarkable, simple and easy-to-follow book. Every woman should read it!