Hi, David,
I’ve just finished, “Start Over, Finish Rich” and felt compelled to share with you my own testimonial.
Like you, in 2005, I found myself divorced after ten years of marriage. It came out of left field. Fortunately, I survived and went on to write my first book, “Breadcrumbs: Navigating Life After Divorce.” I speak and sell my book at divorce recovery workshops.
Last year, I fell in love with a musician who had also been divorced also. Most would have considered his decision to leave everything behind with his ex-wife foolish. Even early in our relationship, I questioned whether I was doing the right thing by dating someone who seemed financially irresponsible. I did not understand the ability to “start over” and flourish.
The more I fell in love with Peter, the more I realized that richness in life is more than what you have in the bank. Don’t get me wrong, money is security and I am fortunate to have a fairly good job. But Peter is a musician who is making his living doing what he loves. Sure, I’m helping him some financially, but this risk will pay off when I’m able to walk the red carpet by his side someday. :o) Note: “Peter James …a Better Man” is on iTunes and CD Baby. I am a very proud girlfriend!
To steal a cliche, both Peter and I have turned our “lemons into lemonade.” We’ve traded the bitterness that we once tasted into delectable delights!
Thank you for your book!