Hello, my name is Ta’les. I will be a high school junior in the fall and I’m taking AP Economics. The Automatic Millionaire was required as summer reading. I thought it was going to be boring, but I was far from right. I’ve always been the person who saves money. Unlike most people,I’m very disciplined. I can put 100 dollars away and not touch it, until its needed. After reading this book,this has made me want to save even more. I’m glad that I came across it at such a young age,(I’m 15), because now I have more time to become an automatic millionaire and possibly an automatic billionaire! In two months when I turn 16 I am going to get my first job and I plan on folowing all the steps and more to finish rich. With this information gained so early I hope to finish rich quicker. I just want to say thank you for sharing your knowledge with the world. You are an inspiration!