Mr. Bach,
I am 32, married and a stay-at-home mom to a 3 year old and have a baby due soon. I saw you on Oprah a few times earlier in the year, have finished “The Automatic Millionaire” and am working on “Smart Couples Finish Rich” now. I have been telling my husband, mother and friends about you and recently gave “Smart Couples…” and some cash as a wedding gift — that won’t be the last time that happens. My mom is next in line to read my books and I will probably get her “Smart Women…” too. My husband is not an avid reader but is working on “Automatic Millionaire” at work (as a firefighter it is sometimes hard to find time to read) and we talk about what he has read when he gets home. He is very excited about it so far, and we’re both excited to see where we go from here.
I can’t honestly say that my husband & I have done everything you recommend yet, but we have done some of the activities and are taking notes, so we are ready to do more when the time comes. We recently sold our home and used some of the money to pay off all of our debt as well as put money down on our new house. Right now we are waiting to find out who bought our mortgage so that we can set up an automatic payment plan. Since it is only “open” once a year, we are waiting for October to change the contributions to my husband’s retirement plan. We are going from $50 to $200 biweekly and that will bring to about 10%. I have to admit I am a little nervous about making the jump but know that the money is there. My next project is revamping my filing system. The current system has been driving me crazy so I was glad to see one outlined in your book.
Thanks again for these books — they are wonderful and really inspiring. We have come a long way, and are even more hopeful after having read your books. We are making plans for ourselves and our children that we wouldn’t have before.