I am a 24 year old graduate student who has been inspired by both the Automatic Millionaire and Smart Couples Finish Rich. I have analyzed my financial situation over and over again, cutting out all of my “Latte Factor” items. I have no credit card debt whatsoever. Unfortunately, I cannot implement most of your strategies yet; however, I am prepared to do so as soon as I graduate and start working. I plan to max out my 401K right away. I won’t miss the money if I put it away automatically from the start! Something that you haven’t touched on in any of your books is the burden of student loans. My education for the past 7 years has my total over $106,000. This is not uncommon among my classmates. With interest rates from ranging from 5 – 11.5%, I have to decided to use your debt repayment chart to pay off my student loans starting with the highest interest rates first. The banks sure understand the concept of compound interest because it’s working in their favor most of the time. It’s payback time! I’m sharing these ideas with my classmates and encouraging them to read your books. In fact, they make a great holiday gift.
Thank you so much David for empowering me with the knowledge to take care of my financial future. I have a plan and I am definitely going to follow through with it!