I read your book almost a year ago b/c I had no clue where to start working on my finances. I was a recent college grad with so much debt, I couldn’t breathe! My credit score was below 500, and I owed EVERYONE!
Luckily, I had a good paying job right after school and I picked up your book shortly after realizing I was making/spending a massive amount of money! I learned everything I know about taking care of my finances by reading your book, and as of today, I have $8,000 in an IRA, $3,500 in an Emmigrant Direct acct., $2,000 in a CD, $2,400 in regular savings, $1,500 in a Health savings acct. through my job, and $1,200 in checking, I paid my car balance, and not to mention I have a zero balance on everything except my student loans! Also, within 7 months, my credit score went up almost 100 points and just last week (after reading “Automatic Millionaire Homeowner”) I was approved for a $125,000 mortgage! I am just turned 24, and I am role model for my friends(I bought “Automatic Millionaire” for all of them). Thank you so much for sharing so much important information with all of us! Thank you for your inspiration! Please don’t stop writing great books!