I want to say that we are on our way to a success story. We are both in our mid 30s, with 2 young children and this year realized that we needed to take control of our own financial future and change our way of thinking. Both of us are working around the clock, missing out on time with our boys. It is time to take control and stop wishing we had more, blaming others for what we don’t have and just talking instead of acting. Your book and taking to the people who recommended it to us, has changed our thought process. We went from thinking, ‘that is too risky’ and ‘how do other people do it’ to ‘of course it will work’.
Our Plan:
We are already in a home, that due to family location, we are in for a while. We are going to get a rental property in our old college town and take it from there. We know this will work. If my parents – two immigrants from Italy could own 2 homes making less than $20K between the two of them a year, then my husband and I can do this and more.
This isn’t just about financial freedom, it is about freedom to live the life our kids want, which is just having time with their mom and dad.
Thank you for inspiring us and we will keep you posted.