I stumbled across your book at the store and the title of your book, “The Automatic Millionaire” intrigued me, so I skimmed through your book. I have read so many business and investment books in the past and to be honest, I hadn’t heard of you before so I checked you out on the web and was very impressed. I went back to the store as soon as I could and bought your book and devoured it. It was not overpowering with information that I couldn’t understand and it motivated me into action. My wife, Patty, and I had become so overwhelmed with the information in other books causing us confusion on what to do, that it actually caused us to flounder and do nothing for fear of making mistakes. Your book provided not only easy to understand information but, motivated and energized us to act now.
I’m 43 and my wife is 47 so, we needed to start right away. Within a week of reading your book, we had increased our bi-monthly mortgage payment by over 10 percent, opened a 401k at my work and my wife’s work and began to seek legal counsel to set up a living trust. We will also be reviewing our insurance coverages and shopping for the best deals with highly rated insurance companies and moving our savings into a money market account with check writing priviledges.
I can’t wait to buy your next book on home ownership when it comes out next month as my wife and I want to start buying investment properties.
We are well on our way to financial freedom thanks to you, David.
Thank you so much.
Todd and Patty
Fair Oaks, CA