This email will in no way be able to express our feelings of gratitude.
Your book(s) took all of these divergent ideas bouncing around in my head, and gave me a way to organize and implement them.
We have been teaching “pay yourself first” for a long time. My story is: by paying myself first while working for the Marriott I was able to buy a home, a restaurant, and pay for my daughter’s college education.
Now we are broke again with very little debt and working very hard in the restaurant, but the Coaching Program has stopped the excuses as to why we can’t do it right now.
We are participating in the coaching program with my daughter Heather Kennedy, and our good friend and manager Teo Simu, who just recently purchased her home. Reading The Automatic Millionaire really pushed her to make her move, and as for me, we had a jump start since we were working through the workbook prior to the coaching.
There is too much to say to fit in this email, other than a big thanks…