I did not see you on Oprah or read ay of your other books prior to this. I had started a new job, planned on revamping our finances, but always had put something into the work 401K.
I read you book one day. I knew about some of the things you talk about in your book but to have it all together with resources and examples made everything invaluable.
In a matter of two days we eliminated what credit cards we had, started the rainy day fund. We complete the refinance in two days, using one of the web sites you referenced, reducing two percentage points and moving to a by monthly payment. This in and of itself cut close to three hundred thousand in interest not to include 15 to 18 years off the length of the mortgage.
Being very excited, I mailed a copy of your book to my brother.
Thanks a ton, your book is great reading, an outstanding resource and a sure fire way to finish rich.