Since I’ve read your books, The Automatic Millionaire and Start Late, Finish Rich, my life has been changed. I’ve taken action to achieve my goals. Before, I was only putting $50.00 per pay period in my 403B account, now I put 12.5% per pay period. I’ve openned up a ROTH IRA account, I’ve opened up a MM savings account, I’ve now purchased a share in REITS (Cohen & Steers) and a share in 1-3 year Treasury Bonds. You see, I’ve always had money to play with, so thats exactly what I did. PLAYED. I did not think in terms of long-range goals as far as my finances were concerned. Now, I am serious. Your books made me look at myself, ask myself some honest questions, and I found that I really needed to take action. I am also in the process of purchasing a home (1st time home buyer)So although I am starting Late, I WILL finish Rich.
Thank You David.