Coming in hot again for summer. I received so much amazing feedback on my last blog post so I decided to add to it for you. 6 MORE BOOKS FOR SUMMER READING AND LISTENING Let’s start with a great NEW book on audio! THE AUTOMATIC MILLIONAIRE UPDATED FOR 2024! THE AUTOMATIC MILLIONAIRE IS BACK AND…
5 Books to Add to Your Summer Reading This Year
I wanted to share some summer book recommendations with you! Last year I started a book club with friends in Florence – these books were either on our reading list or recommended by friends. To make the list below I had to read and love them. COMING IN HOT FOR SUMMER! Remember Love, written by…
Bach Wisdom—16 Timeless Truths
1. Always spend less than you make – your life will be much easier and less stressful. 2. Pay yourself first – at least an hour a day of your income – you’re going to work 90,000 hours over your lifetime you should keep at least an hour a day of your income. 3. Don’t…
David Bach – The Latte Factor® – Why I Wrote This Book Now
Entering the working world is particularly harsh nowadays, and twenty-somethings trying to juggle their student loan debt, possible credit card debt, and low wages understandably feel discouraged and exhausted. While debt can become isolating, it’s important to remember that you’re not alone, and The Latte Factor (available May 7), by best-selling author David Bach is the perfect…
This article original Appeared on WiseBread:
David Bach’s Guide to Financial Recovery
On March 14, David Bach taped a message from the future. The personal finance expert recorded a podcast from his Florence, Italy, home that day telling his mostly U.S.-based audience what their world would soon look like. “You’re not supposed to leave your home,” Bach told listeners who hadn’t yet experienced quarantine against the new…
This article original Appeared on
Why millennials not buying a home is a disaster
While opponents of homeownership claim it’s “the American nightmare,” self-made millionaire David Bach is doubling down on his faith in real estate. He thinks that not prioritizing homeownership is “the single biggest mistake millennials are making.” Buying a home is “an escalator to wealth,” he tells CNBC. Young adults in particular aren’t hopping on this…
How much money you need to save each day to become a millionaire by age 65
If you want to get rich, start investing — and start as early as you possibly can. “Becoming rich is nothing more than a matter of committing and sticking to a systematic savings and investment plan,” financial adviser David Bach writes in his book “Smart Couples Finish Rich.” “You don’t need to have money to…
This article original Appeared on How much money you need to save each day to become a millionaire by age 65:
10 ways couples can finish rich
Getting married or moving in with your partner inevitably changes things — your finances included. Learning to manage your money together does not have to be overwhelming. It’s something any couple can do, as long as you put in the work. “If the two of you don’t make your finances a priority, they won’t be…