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My #1 Piece of Advice For 2024
My number one piece of advice for 2024. PAY YOURSELF FIRST, ONE HOUR A DAY OF YOUR INCOME—AUTOMATICALLY! In 2024 I am back on my crusade to help you save more automatically. Why? Because it WORKS. In 2024 – PAY YOURSELF FIRST. It’s really simple you deserve to keep part of your paycheck and the…
Summer Reading & Listening Part 2
Coming in hot again for summer. I received so much amazing feedback on my last blog post so I decided to add to it for you. 6 MORE BOOKS FOR SUMMER READING AND LISTENING Let’s start with a great NEW book on audio! THE AUTOMATIC MILLIONAIRE UPDATED FOR 2024! THE AUTOMATIC MILLIONAIRE IS BACK AND…

Why millennials not buying a home is a disaster
While opponents of homeownership claim it’s “the American nightmare,” self-made millionaire David Bach is doubling down on his faith in real estate. He thinks that not prioritizing homeownership is “the single biggest mistake millennials are making.” Buying a home is “an escalator to wealth,” he tells CNBC. Young adults in particular aren’t hopping on this…

Here’s how much money a self-made millionaire saves to continue growing his wealth
If you want to get rich, you have to learn to pay yourself first. But just how much of your earnings should you set aside for retirement and other savings to ensure lifelong wealth? For one self-made millionaire, the magic number is 20%. “Today, my wife and I each strive to pay ourselves the first…

David Bach on How to Build a Career Without Going Broke
I recently caught up with David Bach, who has written multiple New York Times bestselling books such as The Automatic Millionaire and Start Late Finish Rich. His latest book is called Debt Free for Life: The Finish Rich Plan for Financial Freedom. In total, he has more than seven million books in print, translated in…

A self-made millionaire says the single most effective way to get rich is a simple decision most people don’t make
“If you want to be rich, all you have to do is make a decision to do something that most people don’t do,” writes David Bach, who became a millionaire by age 30, in his book “The Automatic Millionaire.” That decision is to pay yourself first. “What most people do when they earn a dollar…