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I write to you today from Florence, Italy where we have seen our lives change so dramatically in a week and it’s hard to both describe and comprehend.
In a nutshell, we have gone from being free to work, socialize, shop, travel, and live to being quarantined in our homes with our kids who are no longer able to go to school (currently until April 3rd).
The very good news that I want you to know is that, “my family and I are healthy and okay”.
Many of you have checked in on our well-being – and we are all good! Thank you for caring about us.
Yesterday, I took James for what is probably an illegal walk along the Ponte Vecchio and you can see that there is no one out. Literally no one.
I told James, in your lifetime you will hopefully never see this again.
I also recognize that for many of you, what we are experiencing in Italy is now coming your way.
I will be honest with you – it’s quite shocking at first.
Almost surreal.
This is my fourth attempt to write you a note this week. Each day my mood changes.
And I write a new note. Then delete it.
What I decided to say to you today is this…
I’m not being Pollyannish – I’m being a realist.
This virus will ultimately come to an end.
You more than likely will not get it and if you do, you more than likely will not die.
And the stock market will ultimately recover.
If we head into a recession, we will ultimately recover from that too.
And many of you have lived through this and worse.
You are stronger than you think. You are probably stronger than you remember.
My words of advice today are this…
Acknowledge the fear. Fear is real. Fear is human.
I have been fearful this week. Thursday was the worst day I have ever seen in my investment career.
You would have to be a robot to not have fear now.
What I did yesterday to help myself (and maybe you can try this) is I wrote down in my journal what I am afraid of.
I also wrote down what I am mad at myself for.
I wrote for an hour at least. There was a lot to get out.
Then I went to bed.
Then I woke up and decided to “work, not worry” and to move my body.
I can’t go to the gym in Italy right now, but I can workout at home and I did.
Now I am going to go for a quick walk around town.
And then I will meditate and take a nap.
Maybe some of what I’m doing today you can do, too?
Be kind to yourself, my friend. And let’s be kind to others.
When the world gets scary, kindness makes it all easier.
When the world gets scary, remember this too shall pass.
I send you love from Florence, Italy – where we will both want and need you to visit again when this does pass.
A big hug and much strength sent your way today.
PS: Please come over and subscribe to my podcast if you haven’t yet. I will soon have new episodes coming out and a huge announcement about a new podcast I will be launching. I’m going to work, not worry through this scary time – and triple down on my service to others. I hope this helped you a little today! Much love. Together, we’ve got this.
So glad you are ok. I remember a long time ago you said – If you think you can’t afford to invest, you can’t afford not to. It has stuck with me all these years. Thanks for that wisdom.
Thank you for writing this and deciding to put it out there. I needed to hear this today and have forwarded it on to my daughter who is currently living through her own experience of having her 2020 dream life choice turn into a bit of a nightmare.
I appreciate your sentiment and wish you and your family the very best.
Kindest wishes
We survived 9/11, Coronavirus has nothing on us! Thanks for the honest note, David!
thank you. Your encouragement is VARY helpful. GOD bless you and your family and keep you all well!!
Stay strong for yourself and your family!